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Lambda Chi Alpha
at the
University of Georgia

Est. 1915

The first 110 years were exciting, but...

2025 is a
Very Big Year.

Be on the lookout for emails with details.  Help us make sure we have your email address.

Contact Carlton Roberts for more information.  404-991-9413

Read the Nu Zeta Newsletter

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Who is Lambda Chi Alpha?

Lambda Chi Alpha, founded in 1909 at Boston College, is one of the largest college fraternities in North America with 185 active chapters/colonies, nearly 9,000 undergraduate members, and over 300,000 total initiates.

We seek to foster our legacy of leadership through solid, enduring relationships; strong mentorship; and intensive instruction on our history, values, and code of conduct. 

Vir Quisque Vir

This phrase "Every Man a Man" reflects a sense of equality and the inherent worth of each person, and also emphasizes individuality, self-reliance, dignity, and strength.  It suggests every individual should stand as their own person, capable of independence, responsibility, and personal integrity.

Who is Lambda Chi at UGA ?

LXA Logo December 17 2024a White on Tran
From Will Bell Cropped and Healed IMG_25

Chartered in 1915, our Nu Zeta chapter is one of the oldest fraternities in Georgia, and we've been an active part of Greek life at UGA for more than a century.

The Active members are the drivers, of course, but the devoted support of our National Office of Administration and our Alumni nationwide continue to be fundamental to our proud 21st Century direction.

Nearly 3,000 gentlemen have been initiated at Georgia over the last 115 years!  Our alumni brethren are leaders in a variety of disciplines, including business, government, and service.  Many have retired from successful careers, but continue their support of Lambda Chi in Athens.

From Will After Initiation After Rotatio
With Governor Kemp.png

We've been recognized nationally for our growth and leadership, and we were featured recently in our national publication, Cross & Crescent.

Thank you!

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We're about making new friends...

1st IFC Rush January 2024_edited_edited.
Yonah Mountain Spring 2024_edited_edited

... and preserving those that endure.

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We're about Meeting and Celebrating...

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Pinning Ceremony Fall 2024_edited.jpg
2015 Era Group at 990_edited.jpg
Pre-I Dinner Spring 2024_edited.jpg
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2015 era group at Braves game_edited.jpg

...remembering our history...

February 1965

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Mike Blount et al from Hugh_edited.jpg

...and planning ahead.

Lambda Chi Alpha Front Porch View_edited
Front Porch with Rick Nash_edited_edited
Support Nu Zeta
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Amazon Gift Registry


Check out items that the chapter actually needs and has asked for.  It's easy, interesting, and provides a direct benefit of value to the chapter.


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